Short Stories

     June 16, 2017
By: Megan R. S.
Strange Feeling

Instead of being welcomed by the cheerful sun; she was greeted with a chilly grey morning. There was a strange feeling spinning inside of her. A feeling which she never felt before. She usually enjoyed the morning but today she didn't. She felt distant, not like her usual self. Throughout the day she talked to her friends, laughed, made jokes, but inside she still felt how she did in the morning. She couldn't figure out why she was feeling this way. She tried being herself but it just didn't feel right. During the evening, a little bit before sunset, she went outside and started reading a book. As they sky began to dull and fade, she was mindlessly staring in the dark. Lost in her thoughts she felt the emptiness of the night start to consume her. Hearing her mothers tender call to come inside, she snapped back to reality. There was something peaceful about the night, it's quietness had calmed her and she didn't want to leave. Grudgingly, she left the night behind and went inside with hope that tomorrow she would wake up being herself again.
The End

1 comment:

  1. I hope your character learned to take a bit of that quietness with her. Then when she was feeling stressed, she could go back to that wonderful time and space for a bit.
